Course Description
This 16-hour, in-person lab and lecture-based course is designed for healthcare professionals working in the sports setting who would like to improve their skills and knowledge in the assessment, treatment and management of sport-related concussion (SRC).
This course promotes best practice by applying current evidence to address vestibular, oculomotor, cervical, balance, proprioceptive and movement deficits through lecture, discussion, case studies and hands-on lab sessions.
Topics: background, on-field management, comprehensive evaluation, assessment, interventions, return-to-play considerations, hot topics and more in concussion management.
Course Handouts
Welcome to the Course
- Welcome Message
- Course Flyer
- Join Facebook Group
Slides for LIVE Course
- Concussion Background Slides
- On Field Management Slides
- Vestibular Background Slides
- BPPV Assessment and Intervention Slides
- Vestibular & Oculomotor Assessment Slides
- Vestibular & Oculomotor Intervention Slides
- Cervical Assessment Slides
- Cervical Intervention Slides
- Exertional Assessment and Intervention Slides
- Balance and Functional Intervention Slides
- Medical Management
- Team Based Management Slides
- Return to Play Considerations Slides
- Putting it All Together
- Cases Slides
- Hot Topics Slides
Handouts for Reference
- Categorical Deficits Chart
- Clinical Pathways Chart
- Patient Exercise Sheet
- SRC Evaluation Sheet
- Exertional Worksheet
- Home Exercise Program Handout
- Cervical Home Exercise Program
- Sleep Hygiene Handout
- KD Test
- CPI Puppy Chart
- Snellen Eye Chart
- Cue Ball Sheets
- References
- Concussion in a Box